Monday, February 19, 2018

About M. Stanton Evans Symposium

        About today’s symposium today, I think I learn something new. And this was my first time to take part in this kind of discussion. I’ll use different classification to describe the routine of today’s symposium.

  • 1. Characters of symposium 

In the beginning, Dr. Spurlock who is the director of Hall School of Journalism started the meeting, and he introduced the Dr. Callahan. Next, Professor Stewart explains why we need to join the meeting, and how important it is.  Then, he introduced the keynote speaker.

The speaker was Craig Pittman, and he had many rewards. For example, he won environmental and investigative reporter for the Tampa Bay Times. He is an author of four books, and he introduced his one of the books named ‘Oh, Florida!’ Also, he is a former student at Troy State University.  And he was here from 1978 to 1981.

 Of course, there are a lot of journalism faculty, staff, and a student joins this symposium.

  • 2. The topic of symposium

For the start, I will show you what is the subject of discussion.

For the destructive, Mr. Pittman said: “Yes, we were destroyed things, we destroy the image, all images. Because we were telling people, this image is not correct, this is the reality., this is what you need to know. And this person is not telling the truth.

So, yeah, we were being destructive in a good way. The way is journalism is always in the way that we should be.

In my opinion, I think that it is might be true, because we are in the media field, and we need to report and present all of the things id true. We have to do this as a journalist. But people know something from different ways, newspaper, social media, online, or just listening and talking.

Therefore, there is probably exit some fake news, wrong information or something that people don’t want to believe. Once a journalist reports this news, there something might be broken or someone’s value may be changed. That is why it said journalists have destroyed things.

  • 3. The content of the discussion.

Mr. Pittman talked about right now about stories, books, even TV.  Like the reporter and columnist for Florida’s Largest paper, four books, and occasional TV appearances, and get paid to tromp through swamps and ride around on boats. Then was the foaming at the typewriter.

there’s a lot of kinds of stuff he talked about. For instance, the W-B era, little paper, and big headlines, not all of it were serious, crazy in Alabama, the sacrifice and the solution, lessons learned, and the unified field theory and so on.

4. About my favorite parts

For me, I really agree that Mr. Pittman said how to get organized. First, we need to start building a timeline; it means we need to schedule the time.

Secondly, build a list of sources, such as what time when I do the specific things. Next is type up details. And the last is create and use spreadsheets. 

To sum up, I cannot agree more this point, and I need to take this suggestion immediately.
Also, I have learned from this symposium.

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